Experiment Dinner
How do we interact with others at the time of eating? How do we inhabit the kitchen? How to emphasize the table as a space for dialogue? Under what conditions and agreements? The first Experiment Dinner of Venga le digo! at Cocina Plural, invited 7 guests to prepare and share their food during a night of meetings and reflections between art, cuisine and dialogue.
Sit around something
Humans sit around things. We sit down to stop, because things when they move are different than when they are still. We sit down to adjust our perception of them and integrate them into our reality. That which we sit around has the power to summon us. It is, first of all, important enough to demand from us a moment of our time and a transformation in our posture(s). In addition, it determines the nature of the interactions we have, as well as the way in which we have ourselves in relation to others. Among the things that summon us, few do it spontaneously as food.
Sitting around food has been, since the beginning of human history, a practice linked to community. Since then, the preparation and consumption of food has remained a facilitating agent of cultural exchange, a space in which the different borders that separate individuals converge. Thus, at the time of eating, these borders expand, allowing the transit of the word through the mysterious abyss that is the other, to find the familiar in the strange, the common in the own and the similar in the heterogeneous.
Venga le digo!, adhering to the curatorial axis proposed by Plural Nodo Cultural, addresses the notion of Camping from the exercise of dialogue as an inhabiting the border with the other. In that sense, the project Experiment Dinner: interactions around food, is covered under the threshold of contemporary artistic practices and is assumed as a space that explores the closeness with the performance and living arts, the tension between the public and the private, and the participant / spectator relationship. Thus, based on the situation between art, dialogue and cooking, the project seeks to generate alternative relationship possibilities, focused on the reconfiguration of the social fabric and the strengthening of our personal ties.
-Daniel Acuña
Experiment Dinner
Organized by:
Juan Fernando López (Director Artístico), Andrea Muñoz (Chief Curator), Jose Ricardo Contreras (Comunications Director)
Venga le digo!
Experiment Dinner is part of the curatorial axis
2019 - Camp